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The Kent Conservation Landscape Tool has gone live!

Kent's Conservation Landscape Tool has gone live today on the Kent Wildlife Trust website. This collaborative project will help track biodiversity projects, past, present and future, and facilitate partnership working across the County.

There is a wealth of conservation work being undertaken by statutory bodies, charities, non-governmental organisations and others across the county but to date there hasn’t been a

comprehensive, or easily accessible,

means of documenting it.

Last summer Kent Wildlife Trust embarked upon a collaborative project with the Kent and Medway Biological Records Centre, the Environment Agency and Kent Nature Partnership to develop a map-based tool to do just that.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our initial efforts to capture the work of the conservation community across Kent.

Kent’s Conservation Landscape Tool allows anyone to view the patchwork of projects currently underway across the county and aims to enable those delivering these projects to better understand what kindred organisations are currently working on as well as highlighting future opportunities for collaboration. It is hoped that this new resource, which will be periodically updated to reflect the inception of new projects, will assist in achieving the bigger, better, more joined up landscape that we are all working towards.

We encourage you to explore and use the tool, give us feedback and continue to support us in its ongoing development by periodically adding projects and promoting it as a go-to resource amongst your colleagues and partners.

Brogdale Farm Office, Brogdale Road, Ospringe, Faversham. Kent. ME13 8XZ

VAT: 907 3185 29       Registered Charity: 1110163

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