Data Search Service
All reports are specifically designed to supply a comprehensive suite of data, in order to demonstrate best practice in your assessments and more readily target and commission new survey work, to make informed planning and development decisions in relation to ecological impact.
This commercial service enables rapid access to high quality species and habitat data for any target site within Kent and Medway.
Standard Service offers a seven working day turnaround time.
Priority Service delivers a full report within 48 hours.
Data is retrieved for all of the key taxonomic groups and a standard search report includes a Statutory and Non-Statutory Sites map, a Bat Roost map plus separate lists for Protected Species, Conservation Concern Species, Red Data Book species, Invasive Non-Native Species, Birds and Bats. Habitat maps (derived from the Kent County Council 2012 Habitat Survey) and a map of the SSSI Impact Zones that fall within the area of interest, can be supplied for a small additional fee.
KMBRC currently holds over nine million individual species records. This number grows continually.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information we supply is of the highest quality, please note that in requesting information you acknowledge that:
whilst KMBRC treats data validation and verification with the utmost seriousness, it cannot be held liable for the accuracy of data included in search reports.
any record is specific to the date of recording and does not imply the continued presence of that species at any site.
the lack of information for a geographically defined area does not automatically imply a lack of biodiversity for that area; it may simply be under-recorded.
KMBRC will charge for the time taken to produce the information for the purposes of commercial data searches. Our current charges can be found by clicking the button below.
our payment terms are strictly 30 days and in signing the request form, liability for those charges are accepted, even when working on behalf of a client.
KMBRC must be acknowledged in any report for which KMBRC-supplied data has been used.
the data in KMBRC reports is licenced for 12 months from the date of production, limited in use to the specific site shown on the request form. If data for the site is needed after this time then a new data request must be submitted. You may not use the report data for any other project at any time or for any other purpose.